Have you ever heard of a TV program in China which named A Bite of China? It is famous program around the world with the focus on various delicacies in China, which is an effective way for foreigners to get a basic understanding of Chinese food.
Of course, the spicy rice noodle is included in this TV program, and it represents a characteristic of Chinese food. If your stomach can bear the flavor of spicy, there must be many delicious foods that you can’t miss.

Generally speaking, the food classification in China is determined by the geographical position. The food in the south China is relevantly light, and the spicy food is distributed in the middle China, and the spicy rice food is a representative among them. If you have come to China before, it is possible for you to try this delicacy, as China is famous as the paradise of people who like delicacy.
The raw materials of spicy rice noodle are rice noodles, pepper powder, and some other condiments. With the rapid development of science and technology, the rice noodle is made by automatic making machine in order to guarantee the quality and safety of noodles.

rice noodle making machine is used to produce rice noodle with high work efficiency and quality. There is no doubt that the shape of noodles can be adjusted, so can the production speed and temperature.
Before using the machine to produce rice noodles, the rice should be washed cleanly, and then grinded into powder, and water is added into powder to make rice paste, finally steamed into rice noodles. This is one point that all containers should be washed and dried after using to extend the shelf-life. This machine is suitable for restaurant, characteristic snack bar, and food processing enterprises.